The Andes is a special place, not only due to its impressive mountains and pristine landscapes, but also its people and their coexistence...
Creating Shared Value From Nature’s Regenerative Services
We heard the chainsaws first, like the buzz of a bee on amphetamines, interspersed with the crash of falling giants, then the toiling...
La comunidad nativa Shipetiari crea Comité de Bosque para luchar contra la deforestación
Para combatir la tala, minería y caza ilegal en sus bosques, la Comunidad nativa Shipetiari creó su propio Comité de Bosque: Equipados...
The Boca Manu Road: the separate paths of conservation and development in Peru
The residents of the districts of Fitzcarrald and Manu, in the Madre de Dios region of southeastern Peru, want a road. Villagers from...
Wilderness Sustainability Models: A road for change?
We heard the chain saws first: a buzz from a bee on amphetamines, interspersed by the crash of falling giants, then the toiling drone of...
My last Climate COP: Reflections from the Global Landscapes Forum
I am 44 years old. I have two fantastic children and a great partner. I was born in a time of relative global peace, on a beautiful...